Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Willows Bay Anchorage

8x6 acrylic on canvas panel
This is my entry for this week's Dailypaintworks challenge, "Escape from the Snow".  This is where I'd like to escape to;  Willow's Bay anchorage on Santa Cruz Island.  I snapped this photo while on our cruise in 2011-2012.  Life was good!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Soaking It All Up

6x6 acrylic on gessobord
One of the reasons I love painting children is the way they show feelings, using their whole bodies.  If a child feels joy, it will show everywhere on her!  There is something about the ocean and kids.  They go together like peanut butter and jelly.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Light Through the Trees

6x8 acrylic on canvas panel
I love snow for the brightness, and exaggeration of shadows, as well as the quietude it gives the land. I am hoping to paint one to two more snow paintings this week  This is my entry for this week's Daily Paintworks Challenge.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Looking North from Turn Point

8x6 acrylic on canvas panel
The view from Turn Point, on Stuart Island, is filled with fascinating shadows and highlights as well as deep hues.  There is a distinct color to the San Juan Islands; both rich and soothing.  It is truly an artist's paradise!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Maple Donut

6x6 acrylic on gessobord
You can never have just one donut!

Chocolate Donut

6x6 acrylic on gessobord
This is my entry in the Daily Paintworks Pastry challenge.  Okay, I have a donut fetish.  I love, love, love them!  This was a great challenge for me to work on simplicity and color.

Saturday, January 9, 2016


8x6 acrylic on canvas panel
Yesterday I had the pleasure of hanging out with this cutie, Bentley.  He is one of the wonderful pups up for adoption at our shelter (adopt-a-pet-wa).  While he was out in the yard I decided to see if he would like to play.  Well, he was pretty excited to see me.  As soon as I walked through the gate, he came running, full force, with his jowls flapping.  He chose to practice his best slam dancing skills on me at that point.  Luckily, I moved slightly to the right and only got a slight body check.  He was so happy to have a companion!  He mellowed after that and enjoyed tearing apart an old soccer ball.  I love these dogs and find so much enjoyment watching them find their forever homes.  I will donate 30% of the sale to our shelter.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Early Morning in Waikiki

6x6 acrylic on gessobord
Before everyone is awake, Waikiki can be very serene.  One of my favorite things about Hawaii is the early morning rain showers.  The freshness it leaves behind makes for a great start of the day.  I am working more on values and depth in my paintings and this painting gave me quite a few opportunities to work on both.

Monday, January 4, 2016

The Hardest Part Is Getting Your Toes Wet

6x6 acrylic on gessobord
It takes a brave soul to venture into Pacific Northwest waters.  This is a painting of our daughter and one of her best buds at the beach in Pacific City.  I tried to capture the girls' personalities.  One apprehensive, and the other, all about jumping in with both feet.