Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Water Dog

Some things just go together, like dogs and beaches!

6x6 acrylic on gessobord

Monday, January 23, 2017

Checking Out the Waves

On my last visit to Hawaii, the surf was really pumping at Sandy's.  It was awesome watching a ton of brave souls carve up the waves.  Luckily I had my trusty camera with me and took loads of photos!

6x6 acrylic on gessobord

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Don't Let Go

When our daughter was little, she loved jumping waves as they rolled into shore, as long as she was holding onto her dad.  It seems like just yesterday and now she's getting ready to head off to college. Sigh.  Time moves too quickly.

6x6 acrylic on gessobord

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Snowy Morning Sunshine

This past week Portland (Oregon) has gotten an incredible amount of snow.  My sister in law has been sharing with us all the beauty that has surrounded them through photos.  Luckily she is an early riser and caught this stunning moment on her phone.  Now, if we could just get that white fluffy stuff to move a little further north to us!

6x6 acrylic on gessobord

Monday, January 16, 2017

Resting FJ'S

An FJ is short for Flying Juniors.  These 2 person boats are used by high school and college sailing teams all over the Pacific Northwest and beyond.  It is so fun watching kids maneuver these sailboats in all sorts of conditions.  I took this picture at one of our daughter's regattas when the sun was gracing us with its presence (a rare occurrence in late fall and early spring!).

8x6 acrylic on gessobord

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Sailing Into the Sunset

I've been spending this week "stretching my wings", so to speak.  I'm trying new ideas with my paintings.  I have done this before and I think it may become a cyclical pattern.  Every so often I need to bust out of my mold and go a little crazy.  I love the growth that comes with it.  Besides, a little color in the winter is good for the soul!

6x6 acrylic on gessobord

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Starting Line

If you have done any sailboat racing, you know what a crazy place the starting line can be.  It is controlled chaos at its best.  What always amazes me is how relaxed and focused sailing kids can be at this pressure building point in a regatta.

6x6 acrylic on gessobord

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Reflective Marina

When the sun is getting lower in the sky, and the boats are nicely tucked into their slips, the silence that surrounds a marina is so peaceful.  This is what I miss when not living on our boat.  Happy New Year everyone.  May 2017 be a peaceful one.

6x6 acrylic on gessobord

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Do Your Ears Hang Low?

Do they wobble to and fro...My favorite thing about Basset Hounds are their ears. ( I kinda like their kankles too, though!)  When they are puppies, it looks as though their ears are taking over their bodies.  It is so funny watching them try to drink or eat out of a bowl.  Those big floppy appendages just can't help but get in the way!

6x8 acrylic on gessobord