Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Ready For Some Fun

While visiting my mom on Oahu earlier this month, I was able to get some much needed beach time.  This day was a particularly beautiful day at Waimanalo beach. This little boy especially caught my eye.  He was charging into the water to catch up with his older siblings who had escaped their mother's sun screening grasp just minutes earlier.

acrylic on gessobord

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Busy Bee

I really enjoyed working on my last painting with the bee, so I decided to do another one.  I think my daughter is probably cringing right now because she is deathly afraid of bees!

acrylic on gessobord

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Pollinators

Another one for the flower challenge.  The colors really drew me to paint this.  Enjoy!

acrylic on gessobord

Monday, May 22, 2017

Flower Challenge

This week's challenge on Daily Paintworks is to paint a flower.  I used the photo provided by Carol Marine.  I struggle a bit when painting flowers, so I thought this would be a good chance to work on my botanical skills (besides, I really liked the colors for this one!).

acrylic on gessobord

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Windward Oahu Sunrise

The challenge this week for Daily Paintworks is to paint clouds.  Sounds easy enough, right?  Well, that's what I thought until I actually started painting!  This is my 3rd attempt at a "cloud" painting,and the only one I'm satisfied with.  Hope you enjoy it!

acrylic on gessobord

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Automatic Sprinkler

I am infatuated with dogs shaking off water!  Have you ever watched one in slow motion?  It is absolutely hilarious!  I am trying to paint in 4's.  Subject matter, that is.  So this wet pup completes my canine series (for now- I can't go too long without painting dogs!).  I'm thinking I might start on some landscapes or seascapes next.  Or maybe not.  Tomorrow will tell.

acrylic on gessobord