Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Big Smile

acrylic on gessobord
Our dog, Salty, LOVES playing with his ball.  This is his happy face after we've had a rousing game of fetch.  Could that mouth get any bigger?  I don't think so!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

English Bay

acrylic on gessobord
I have been in a painting "funk" these last couple of days!  It's driving me crazy!  I really had to push myself to finish this one.  When I'm in a funk, that nasty little negative voice creeps in and makes me want to throw in the towel (and paintbrushes!).  Well, I am so happy that I finished "English Bay", and I'm actually quite pleased with it.

English Bay is in Vancouver, BC.  It is beautiful, especially from Stanley Park.  My husband and I are going to be visiting this wonderful place again soon, so that's why I had the urge to paint this.  Enjoy!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Ready For the Attack

acrylic on gessobord
This is our goofy pup, Chili Pepper.  One of his favorite places is the beach.  He has a blast running, fetching, and pouncing on his brother (our other dog, Salty) (as he is about to do in this painting).    This particular visit, was exceptionally beautiful.  The sun was up early in the morning and the beach was all ours.  I really like the blue of the water and wet, reflective sand in contrast with Chili's coloring.  I'm also very happy with the way his reflection came out. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Regatta Dogs 2

Acrylic on gessobord
This is Doug, the most adorable, mellow, sweet, huge lab I have had the pleasure of meeting.  This painting is of the "Wind Regatta" in the Columbia Gorge this past summer.  The wind was howling and the sun was out.  What can be better for a sailor?

In this painting, I really wanted to capture the feeling of the day.  The sun was magnificent and there is just so much excitement when you see all the lasers and optis parked on the beach, waiting to take on the wind and waves of the Gorge.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Regatta Dog- Alex

acrylic on gessobord
Where there's a sailing regatta, there will be dogs!  Dogs make everything better...Don't ya think?!  This sweet boy is Alex.  He is a favorite of many sailors around here.  Sweet, loving, and always looking for some love, are just a few of his adorable characteristics!  Enjoy!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Montague At Sundown

acrylic on gessobord
Montague Harbor is one of our favorite places in the Canadian Gulf Islands.  On this particular cruise, the evenings were crazy beautiful!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Birthday Dahlias

acrylic on gessobord
I had another birthday last week and my sweet friend, Natasha, brought me these gorgeous dahlias from her garden.  I don't usually do still life paintings, but I couldn't stop gushing over these beautiful flowers!  So, I set up a very rudimentary staging area for my subject and painted away.  I am happy with the deep purples and pinks I used in this piece.  It definitely challenged me, so I guess I had better sharpen my skills with another sometime soon.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Put Your Paws Up In the Air

acrylic on gessobord
This goofy girl is my latest love at our dog shelter.  She is the sweetest mutt!  Oh, if only I could adopt one more dog.  Sigh.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


acrylic on gessobord
I painted this for our daughter's roommate.  Her sweet furry boy passed away recently, and I couldn't resist capturing this adorable face on gessobord for her.